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 Honda rcb endurance replica

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Jean Louis
13 participants
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MessageSujet: Honda rcb endurance replica   Honda rcb endurance replica Icon_minitime2/7/2013, 22:59


My name is Christian and I am from the netherlands.
The last year we build with the three of us a honda rcb endurance replica bike.

We began with a standard cb750 road bike and stripped him down to only the frame....we did some frame modifications

The orginal bike was the 1977 winning bike of Leon/Chemarin with the oil cooler in the front...

We make the body work from scrats, just by looking at pictures of the bike.... And know we finished the project we race the bike here in the netherlands... We have similiar endurance race's like the bikers classics

(sorry for my poor english)


Christian de Weerdt
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MessageSujet: Re: Honda rcb endurance replica   Honda rcb endurance replica Icon_minitime2/7/2013, 23:00

Christian1991 a écrit:

My name is Christian and I am from the netherlands.
The last year we build with the three of us a honda rcb endurance replica bike.

We began with a standard cb750 road bike and stripped him down to only the frame....we did some frame modifications

The orginal bike was the 1977 winning bike of Leon/Chemarin with the oil cooler in the front...

We make the body work from scrats, just by looking at pictures of the bike.... And know we finished the project we race the bike here in the netherlands... We have similiar endurance race's like the bikers classics

(sorry for my poor english)


Christian de Weerdt

 This is the bike

 Honda rcb endurance replica Tet_en11
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 4932
Age : 64
Localisation : FAR EST
Date d'inscription : 13/11/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Honda rcb endurance replica   Honda rcb endurance replica Icon_minitime2/7/2013, 23:04

hi ,make some pictures from your bike ...
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MessageSujet: Re: Honda rcb endurance replica   Honda rcb endurance replica Icon_minitime2/7/2013, 23:06

Honda rcb endurance replica Bos110

We did a photo shoot with a professional journalist of a dutch bike magazine and in a couple of weeks will there be a interview with us

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MessageSujet: Re: Honda rcb endurance replica   Honda rcb endurance replica Icon_minitime2/7/2013, 23:14

Here we are hand crafting the bodywork

Honda rcb endurance replica 2012-010
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MessageSujet: Re: Honda rcb endurance replica   Honda rcb endurance replica Icon_minitime2/7/2013, 23:25

This is our first race

We finish with out any problems:bounce:
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 4932
Age : 64
Localisation : FAR EST
Date d'inscription : 13/11/2008

Honda rcb endurance replica Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Honda rcb endurance replica   Honda rcb endurance replica Icon_minitime3/7/2013, 07:40

albino very nice , LOVELY MACHINE
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MessageSujet: Re: Honda rcb endurance replica   Honda rcb endurance replica Icon_minitime3/7/2013, 08:51

Thank you! We did a low budget build up! But we are very happy with the endresult

 Honda rcb endurance replica Rcb_1010

Honda rcb endurance replica 20130610
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 8192
Age : 78
Localisation : montfermeil
Date d'inscription : 29/06/2009

Honda rcb endurance replica Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Honda rcb endurance replica   Honda rcb endurance replica Icon_minitime3/7/2013, 09:01

Honda rcb endurance replica 583294 Belle réplique de cette célèbre machine qui a tout remporté de 1976 à 1979 albino
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Honda rcb endurance replica Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Honda rcb endurance replica   Honda rcb endurance replica Icon_minitime3/7/2013, 16:31

Thank you, we did put a lot of hours work to it, but I'm happy we build the lovely machine

Honda rcb endurance replica Zoom10
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Honda rcb endurance replica Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Honda rcb endurance replica   Honda rcb endurance replica Icon_minitime3/7/2013, 16:35

Honda rcb endurance replica Rcb710

Honda rcb endurance replica 20130611

Honda rcb endurance replica Stroom10

Honda rcb endurance replica Zithou10

Here are some more nice pictures, And we make a lot of jokes during the build:D
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Honda rcb endurance replica Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Honda rcb endurance replica   Honda rcb endurance replica Icon_minitime3/7/2013, 17:07

Does anybody have orginal stuff for sale from the RCB honda era??

That would be a great honour for us
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 17500
Age : 66
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 24/03/2007

Honda rcb endurance replica Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Honda rcb endurance replica   Honda rcb endurance replica Icon_minitime3/7/2013, 21:02

very good job,!
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 505
Age : 34
Localisation : Vendée
Date d'inscription : 14/10/2012

Honda rcb endurance replica Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Honda rcb endurance replica   Honda rcb endurance replica Icon_minitime3/7/2013, 21:11

Beautiful work ! albino
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Jean Louis

Jean Louis

Masculin Nombre de messages : 1161
Age : 62
Localisation : Pomas
Date d'inscription : 22/06/2007

Honda rcb endurance replica Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Honda rcb endurance replica   Honda rcb endurance replica Icon_minitime3/7/2013, 22:08

Hello Christian, me to , i was working on rs rep 1980, but my wife said me to stop , because with 4 bikes , one more was too much in the garage.
My frame is like the pics and i'm working on tank and seat slowly for not perturbe my wife.....innocent innocent 
You have a very nice bike and your enjoy is like you want.
Honda rcb endurance replica Photo-19
Honda rcb endurance replica Photo-20
at one day....on race...
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Honda rcb endurance replica Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Honda rcb endurance replica   Honda rcb endurance replica Icon_minitime3/7/2013, 22:27

Jean Louis a écrit:
Hello Christian, me to , i was working on rs rep 1980, but my wife said me to stop , because with 4 bikes , one more was too much in the garage.
My frame is like the pics and i'm working on tank and seat slowly for not perturbe my wife.....innocent innocent 
You have a very nice bike and your enjoy is like you want.
Honda rcb endurance replica Photo-19
Honda rcb endurance replica Photo-20
at one day....on race...

 Yeah I know you're bike, it was on leboncoin:albino: albino 

You make the real replica and I love you're frame,, we had to do it with the standard frame but we make sum modifications so it looke better

Honda rcb endurance replica 2012-011

We spent hours to get the bodywork is shape:drunken: 

Honda rcb endurance replica 2012-014

But with patience you will get there

Honda rcb endurance replica Dscn0810

The taillights we'd make from brass
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 3053
Age : 66
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 15/01/2008

Honda rcb endurance replica Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Honda rcb endurance replica   Honda rcb endurance replica Icon_minitime4/7/2013, 09:01

Honda rcb endurance replica 583294 Christian1991.
Your bike is great and I feel lot of  passion in your job.
(just you have to buy and use a hundred vinyl gloves box :wink1:it cost 5 €...).
I see that you race in Elst ... we were this year in Oss=nice we.
Are you coming in Spa ?

Jean-Louis............tu nous fait encore des merveilles bounce........faut que je cause à ta dame. w01.

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Honda rcb endurance replica Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Honda rcb endurance replica   Honda rcb endurance replica Icon_minitime4/7/2013, 09:50

Lemarquis a écrit:
Honda rcb endurance replica 583294 Christian1991.
Your bike is great and I feel lot of  passion in your job.
(just you have to buy and use a hundred vinyl gloves box :wink1:it cost 5 €...).
I see that you race in Elst ... we were this year in Oss=nice we.
Are you coming in Spa ?

Jean-Louis............tu nous fait encore des merveilles bounce........faut que je cause à ta dame. w01.


 Yeah we where also in OSS, but we couldn't participate beceause we were to late...the race was full (50 bike's)

Next year we will be in OSS, and maybe in Spa to

Tomorrow we are going to SPA, to see al the nice bikes and make some pictures:)

Honda rcb endurance replica Binnen10
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MessageSujet: Re: Honda rcb endurance replica   Honda rcb endurance replica Icon_minitime8/7/2013, 10:51

Couple of more pictures from the bike

Honda rcb endurance replica Lampje10

The 'fourche'
Honda rcb endurance replica Kuip310
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Honda rcb endurance replica Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Honda rcb endurance replica   Honda rcb endurance replica Icon_minitime30/9/2013, 19:07

@ aalsmeer We had some electrical problems, so we did race only 17 minutes...

Next years 3 hours of Oss is the next night endurance!

@ le mans we had the oppurtunity to see the real leon/chemarin rcb:bounce: bounce bounce 

Honda rcb endurance replica Dsc_0110
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Honda rcb endurance replica Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Honda rcb endurance replica   Honda rcb endurance replica Icon_minitime30/9/2013, 19:09

@ aalsmeer We had some electrical problems, so we did race only 17 minutes...

Next years 3 hours of Oss is the next night endurance!

@ le mans we had the oppurtunity to see the real leon/chemarin rcb:bounce: bounce bounce 
Honda rcb endurance replica Dsc_0111
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MessageSujet: Re: Honda rcb endurance replica   Honda rcb endurance replica Icon_minitime1/10/2013, 22:15

I think something went wrong with the pictures:huuuh: huuuh1 

Honda rcb endurance replica Dscn2310

Honda rcb endurance replica Dscn2311

Honda rcb endurance replica Dscn2312
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MessageSujet: Re: Honda rcb endurance replica   Honda rcb endurance replica Icon_minitime3/10/2013, 23:04

Today we have our own article in a dutch bikers magazine:bounce: bounce 

Honda rcb endurance replica Dscn2710
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 3895
Localisation : Le Mans (72)
Date d'inscription : 26/09/2007

Honda rcb endurance replica Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Honda rcb endurance replica   Honda rcb endurance replica Icon_minitime4/10/2013, 09:04

albino Bravo
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MessageSujet: Re: Honda rcb endurance replica   Honda rcb endurance replica Icon_minitime21/10/2013, 11:12

Couple of action shots:humour: 

Honda rcb endurance replica Img-2011

Honda rcb endurance replica Img-2012

Honda rcb endurance replica Img-2013
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Contenu sponsorisé

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MessageSujet: Re: Honda rcb endurance replica   Honda rcb endurance replica Icon_minitime

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Honda rcb endurance replica
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