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 My Laverda 750 racer

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My Laverda 750 racer Empty
MessageSujet: My Laverda 750 racer   My Laverda 750 racer Icon_minitime6/12/2008, 03:20

in the top section you'll find about 80 photos that I just loaded. These are almost all the photos I have documenting the five different versions of my 750 Laverda race bike.

dans la section supérieure, vous trouverez environ 80 photos que je viens de chargement. Ce sont presque toutes les photos que j'ai documenter les cinq versions différentes de la 750 Laverda mon vélo de course.

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la tige

la tige

Masculin Nombre de messages : 713
Age : 59
Localisation : puy de dome-auvergne
Date d'inscription : 18/06/2008

My Laverda 750 racer Empty
MessageSujet: Re: My Laverda 750 racer   My Laverda 750 racer Icon_minitime6/12/2008, 06:54

as a laverda enthusiast, your self builded bike is a dream race bike: Congratulations!!!!!
does it always run?
did you show your bike to Piero Laverda?

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My Laverda 750 racer Empty
MessageSujet: Re: My Laverda 750 racer   My Laverda 750 racer Icon_minitime6/12/2008, 14:40

Interesting evolution to the frame design, however I would ask why you retained the boxed seat unit, which looks a wee bit out of place? huuuh1
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My Laverda 750 racer Empty
MessageSujet: Re: My Laverda 750 racer   My Laverda 750 racer Icon_minitime6/12/2008, 17:06

It always ran except when I took it apart for long periods to do something different. Sadly, I have trouble leaving things alone as I'm always getting what I think is a "better" idea of what to do. I don't work very quickly so it is easy for my thoughts near the end of a project to be different from what I started with.

The weight of the bike without fuel was 330 lbf (150 kg) which is a lot less than the standard SF2.

Piero may have seen it on my website. I had stopped racing it before he first came over to the USA.

At 11" wide at the rider the seat was actually too narrow as it was not as wide as my bottom. I have a 13" version that drops down behind the legs to fair them in as on this 250 Honda which also uses a HD XR750 fairing:

My Laverda 750 racer Marcxls
My Laverda 750 racer Marcxlf

Streamlining at the rear of the bike is normally more important than at the front as you want to close the wake to reduce drag. The seat and fairing should be as wide as the rider, and if the seat tapers more than about 5 degrees the flow will separate. A similar seat was put on a bike that had about 8 rear wheel horsepower and if my memory is correct that was worth an additional 300-500 RPM.


Il a toujours, sauf quand je l'ai pris en dehors pendant de longues périodes à faire quelque chose de différent. Malheureusement, j'ai de la difficulté à quitter la seule choses que je suis toujours faire ce que je pense est une «meilleure idée de ce qu'il faut faire. Je ne travaille pas très rapidement, de sorte qu'il est facile pour mes pensées vers la fin d'un projet d'être différent de ce que j'ai commencé avec. 

Le poids de la moto sans carburant a été 330 lb (150 kg), qui est beaucoup moins que la norme SF2.

Piero mai ont vu sur mon site Web. J'avais arrêté la course avant le premier venu aux États-Unis.

À 11 "de large à la place cycliste l'a effectivement été trop étroite car il n'a pas été aussi large que mes bas. J'ai un 13" version qui sera en baisse vers le bas derrière les jambes à leur juste en ce que sur 250 Honda qui a également fait appel à un carénage HD XR750: 

Rationaliser à l'arrière du vélo est généralement plus importante que lors de l'avant que vous le souhaitez pour fermer la suite à réduire la traînée. Le siège et le carénage devrait être aussi large que le pilote, et si le siège de plus cônes de 5 degrés sur le flux se sépare. Un siège a été mis sur un vélo qui avait environ 8 roue arrière de puissance et si ma mémoire est bonne qui a été d'une valeur supplémentaire 300-500 RPM.
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My Laverda 750 racer Empty
MessageSujet: Re: My Laverda 750 racer   My Laverda 750 racer Icon_minitime7/12/2008, 01:02

Thanks Mr MOORE. I have been on your site many and it's always a pleasure and very interesting. Even if my english is poor, I would like to make a suggestion ... Don't use "google translation" ... it's far away from the original meaning ... and it's a good opportunity for us to learn new words through interresting "post" when we have to translate... RGDS innocent w01
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My Laverda 750 racer Empty
MessageSujet: Re: My Laverda 750 racer   My Laverda 750 racer Icon_minitime7/12/2008, 01:41

OK, I'll skip the translations. I could see a few words in them that seemed to match the English so I hoped they'd be "good enough."

Since this is a French site I thought it would be polite of me to attempt to put the information in the main language.


Michael (feel free to use my given name)
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My Laverda 750 racer Empty
MessageSujet: Re: My Laverda 750 racer   My Laverda 750 racer Icon_minitime7/12/2008, 10:06

welcome mickael albino

you have only nice bike bounce bounce great job albino albino
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My Laverda 750 racer Empty
MessageSujet: Re: My Laverda 750 racer   My Laverda 750 racer Icon_minitime7/12/2008, 15:00

Michael Moore a écrit:
Since this is a French site I thought it would be polite of me to attempt to put the information in the main language.


Michael (feel free to use my given name)
Thanks a lot Michael, but don't worry, it's good for us to improve our vocabulary ... and it's a pleasure to look at your web site ... albino w01 Very Happy
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MessageSujet: Re: My Laverda 750 racer   My Laverda 750 racer Icon_minitime

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My Laverda 750 racer
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